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Past Presidents

"Historically, the Presidents of Agnes Scott have personified the ideals, 希望, and the dreams of this College. They have set the pace; they have pioneered the new paths; they have inspired and led." 

——哈尔·L. Smith, May 18, 1974

Frank Henry Gaines

Frank Henry Gaines


The 牧师erend Frank Henry Gaines, 在他36岁以迪凯特长老会牧师的身份来到迪凯特的一年内, saw the need for an elementary school in the community. 他的愿景是在教会的主持下建立一所女子学校,人们对他的愿景如此热情,以至于他在1889年7月召集了会议成员. Within six weeks, Decatur Female Seminary was chartered, and in September, classes began with 63 students and four teachers. 牧师. Gaines served as chair of the Board of Trustees until 1896, 当时,他辞去了牧师职务,成为学院的第一任校长,直到1923年去世. During his 27-year presidency, he ensured stability and success for the school, including the transition to the collegiate level, accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, 购置20英亩土地和21栋建筑物,资产从5美元增加,000 to $1.500万年. 他出生于田纳西州泰利科平原,毕业于田纳西州坎伯兰大学.) and Union Theological Seminary (Va.) and the recipient of an honorary DD from Davidson College.

Dr. James Ross McCain

James Ross McCain


Dr. James Ross McCain was the second president of Agnes Scott College. 从厄斯金学院毕业并获得美世大学的法学博士学位后, he practiced law for two years but did not find it satisfying. Dr. McCain then turned to teaching and education. While headmaster of the Darlington School in Rome, Ga., he completed an MA from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D. from Columbia University. Dr. McCain initially came to Agnes Scott in 1915 as registrar and professor of Bible and progressively assumed greater responsibilities as vice president and trustee; therefore, he was a natural successor to President Gaines. During his presidency from 1923 to 1951, he focused on campus planning, 制定学院的第一个总体规划,并监督建筑的建设,这些建筑至今仍是校园的标志. Under his leadership, the endowment tripled, 学院为教师提供了养老金计划,并设立了荣誉项目. 他提倡在亚特兰大的学院和大学之间进行更大的合作,并且可能比其他任何一个人在提高南方的机构学术资格方面做得更多.

牧师erend Dr. Wallace McPherson Alston

Wallace McPherson Alston


The 牧师erend Dr. 华莱士·麦克弗森·奥尔斯顿是正规博彩十大网站排名的第三任校长,也是第一位正式就职的校长. A native of Decatur, he grew up playing on the Agnes Scott campus. A minister at heart, he came to Agnes Scott after serving Presbyterian churches in Kentucky, West Virginia and Atlanta. During his presidency, he molded every aspect of the college, employing each faculty and staff member and actively selecting every trustee. 在他的领导下,入学人数增加了35%,教师人数增加了近50%. Additionally, 在奥尔斯顿任职期间,学院的捐赠市场价值增长了12倍. During these years, 罗伯特·弗罗斯特每年都去看望艾格尼丝·斯科特,学院也招收了第一个非裔美国学生. President Alston held five degrees, including a BA and an MA from Emory University, 哥伦比亚神学院学士学位,联合神学院硕士学位和博士学位.

Marvin Banks Perry Jr.

Marvin Banks Perry Jr.


Dr. Marvin Banks Perry Jr. became the fourth president of Agnes Scott College in 1973. 他从古彻学院(Goucher College)来到正规博彩十大网站排名(Agnes Scott),在那里他担任了六年的校长. During his tenure at Agnes Scott, the college improved benefits for faculty and staff, implemented a policy on faculty sabbatical leaves, 通过将学术政策的责任交给教师,加强了共同治理, 在“重返大学”项目中招收了超过传统大学年龄的女性, offered scholarships based on merit rather than need, 批准了第一个双学位课程和商科预科课程,放宽了影响学生社交生活的规定. A scholar of English literature, 他在弗吉尼亚大学获得学士学位,在哈佛大学获得硕士和博士学位. 

露丝一. 施密特

露丝一. 施密特


Dr. 露丝一. 施密特 was the first woman to serve as president of Agnes Scott College. 以前, she taught Spanish at Mary Baldwin College, 曾任纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校教务长和马萨诸塞州惠顿学院教务长.), where she was acclaimed for establishing a gender-balanced curriculum. To ensure that Agnes Scott offered a well-rounded student experience, 她支持校际体育运动和伍德拉夫体育活动大楼和盖勒斯泰特田径的建设. She was deeply committed to women’s issues, community diversity, international education and service-learning. During her tenure, 为了庆祝百年校庆,学院对学院最古老的宿舍楼进行了翻新,并在“主”大厅塔楼上安置了一座钟, transitioned to the semester system, 推出了第一个研究生学位课程,并创建了全球意识项目和一个跨学科的妇女研究项目. She received her BA from Augsburg College, 密苏里大学文学硕士和伊利诺伊大学博士学位. 

Sally Mahoney


Sally Mahoney在1994-1995学年期间担任Agnes Scott学院的临时校长, during which the college completed academic and administrative reviews. She graduated from San Francisco College for Women with a BA in English. 在作为伍德罗·威尔逊研究员进入斯坦福大学学习英语之后, she moved to the administration and, as a Sloan Fellow, earned an MS in management. After serving Stanford in various positions over more than 30 years, she retired as senior associate provost and university registrar emerita. Following her year at Agnes Scott, 她是玛丽山学院的临时校长和圣母湖大学的校长.
Mary Brown Bullock

Mary Brown Bullock '66


Dr. 66岁的玛丽·布朗·布洛克是正规博彩十大网站排名的第一位女校长. Before returning to Agnes Scott as president, 她曾任伍德罗·威尔逊国际学者中心亚洲项目主任和美国国家科学院与中华人民共和国学术交流委员会主任. Under her leadership, the college increased enrollment by 50 percent and faculty by one third, revised teaching loads to provide faculty with more time for research, emphasized science and global learning, 实施新的战略和总体规划,其中包括1.2亿美元的建设计划, completed a $70 million comprehensive campaign, 创建了一个新的图形识别项目,并努力提高其在全国的知名度. A scholar of U.S.-China relations, she received a bachelor’s degree in history from Agnes Scott, where she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and an MA and PhD in Chinese history from Stanford University. 她后来成为昆山杜克大学首任常务副校长.

Elizabeth Kiss

Elizabeth Kiss


Dr. Elizabeth Kiss, the college’s eighth president, came to Agnes Scott College in 2006 from Duke University, where she was the Nannerl O. Keohane是凯南伦理研究所所长,也是政治学和哲学实践教授. Specializing in moral and political philosophy, she had taught at Princeton University, Randolph-Macon College and Deep Springs College. During her presidency, Agnes Scott broke records for enrollment and retention and was named the #2 Most Diversified College in America by Time; launched a signature experience 峰会, 为每个学生提供一个专注于全球学习和领导力发展的核心课程, and new programs in public health, human rights and business management; completed a $116 million comprehensive campaign; and emerged as a leader in campus sustainability. The college was named the #2 Most Innovative School by U.S. 新闻 & World Report. The daughter of Hungarian refugees, 她在戴维森学院获得文学学士学位,在英国牛津大学获得哲学硕士和哲学博士学位. A Rhodes Scholar herself, Dr. Kiss subsequently became warden and CEO of Rhodes Trust in Oxford, UK.

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